June 10, 2013

Always Look on the Bright Side!

Have you ever had something hanging over you that you just didn’t want to do but eventually had to face up to?  In the mean time there is the stress hanging over your head day after day.  Well, that is how I felt about the above quilt.  It is an outreach quilt for the guild.  The top was finished 16 months ago.  Orange is not my favorite color and in combination with blue, it goes down even a few notches further on my favorites list.  So as I was feeling a bit rusty with my machine quilting I decided to put in some practice time.  Kind of practice what I preach.  So how better to accomplish two things at once than to practice my machine quilting on this quilt that was hanging over my head.  I played with all kinds of designs with complete abandon.  The quilt is flat and most importantly FINISHED.  Tomorrow night I turn it in and it will be gone, gone, gone.  I am so happy!