January 1, 2020

Many Quilts are Finished

This is such a challenging time for everyone in the world.  No one alive has ever experienced anything like it.  We must stay home unless it is absolutely necessary to go out for grocery shopping, the pharmacy, see the doctor or go to the post office.  It is strange but we must make the best of it.  I think the hardest part is not being able to see the grandkids.  Thank goodness for Facetime.  I’ve been trying to think up cleaver little projects that I can send them plus bake their favorite cookies so they don’t forget Nonna.

During this time I had two trips scheduled, one to Santa Fe, which I chose not to attend.  It was just on the cusp of the stay at home order and I just knew I would not be comfortable flying there.  The second trip planned was to bell’Italia with a group of painters.  That trip has been postponed until 2021.  As I write this I think I should paint from photos some of my favorite spots in Italy starting today.

Each day before I get out of bed, I put a smile on my face that I can feel radiate throughout my body then haul myself out of bed.  Each day I try to accomplish something fun and satisfying, whether it is working on a quilt or doing a sketch, or maybe Zooming with my Pilates classes.  I am grateful I am not home alone as I have Tom and Bailey.  We live in a beautiful spot where we can walk out the door and enjoy the beauty of the natural world.  Stay positive, stay healthy and be kind.