January 17, 2013

Ring in the New

It is kind of scary to publicly state that I would like to finish one quilt a month  during 2013.  That is not as large a goal as it might seem as I have many quilts that just need quilting and binding.  That still means a lot of hours at the sewing machine but that is exactly what I have already started in this new year.  I finished quilting one quilt, stitched on the binding and am now finishing it by hand.  The next one in the cue already has the backing and binding fabric ready to go.  It will be a pleasure to move the quilts from “Work in Progress” to “Gallery 1.”

In the mean time I am also trying to earn my “Artistic License.”  That requires doing a sketch everyday for 75 days.  I’m on day 17.  Can I keep it up?  Only time will tell.  I am also taking some on-line watercolor and drawing classes.  The above picture was done for the on-line Watercolor Lettering class with Val Webb.  We have learned not only many very creative ideas for lettering but have learned a lot about the characteristics of watercolor.  I am thoroughly enjoying the classes.  Maybe I will try to keep up these Blog entries in 2013, but no promises...