June 14, 2012

There is a lot of quilting going on but nothing to show...

There is not enough on my plate already so I signed up for Joanne Sharpe’s Color Love 101 class that started last Monday.  We made swatches of all our colored marking tools such at watercolors, Inktense pencils and Tombow watercolor pens.  This is something I have actually been meaning to do and think it will be a very practical tool.  Next we created a first page for our Color Love 101 journal.  Mine is above.  I thought it was finished but I actually have turned the white square border in to a black and white check.  I’ll try to post an update soon.

Days are filled with working on the June 12 x 12 x  12 challenge for New Pieces.  This months theme is, “Out.”  Now what kind of theme is that?  An idea did pop in to my head and the piece is in progress.  I’m also working on a large quilt with beautiful red Kaffe Fassett fabrics accented by lime green.  Lastly, I just enlarged a design from my sketchbook which I will turn in to a quilt.  I do work very hard on my sketchbooks so want to interpret more of the designs in to quilts.  We’ll see how this goes.

Just for fun I posted a photo taken only yesterday of the neighborhood Red-Tailed Hawk chicks.  They will probably fledge in the next couple of weeks.  Then will come mastering flying and learning to hunt.  For some reason, it is a very noisy process.  I’ll keep you posted.