March 8, 2012

New Pieces 12 x 12 x 12 Challenge

New Pieces Quilt Shop in Berkeley started a monthly challenge in January.  The first month’s theme was “Birds.”  I did my little rendition of the European Green Woodpecker.  In February the theme was, but of course, “Hearts.”  Above is the photo of my entry before I delivered it and my entry after the viewer’s choice voting.  Look!  I won!  I am very excited.  You see, I am very easy to please.  I love these little challenges and will certainly try to participate each month.  Saturday when I am teaching at the shop I will pick up my fabric for March’s theme which is “Spring!”  surely one of my favorite times of the year.  My prize, a gift certificate will certainly be spent before I leave the shop.  Busy day tomorrow so must get some sleep, but just wanted to add a very quick and very short up date.  I’m finishing up several quilts so will have a lot of news soon.