February 11, 2012


RED is the name of the February  show at the O’Hanlon Center in Mill Valley.  My mixed media piece, Recycled Red, details shown above, is in the show through the end of the month.  As you can see by the photos above, I did a lot of beading on this piece.  It was fun and challenging at the same time as some of the stitching was through 140# watercolor paper.  A challenge indeed.

This afternoon I’m packing my car in preparation to heading up to Bishop's Ranch in Healdsburg for a 5 day retreat.  I am being very disciplined and taking only four projects, all of which have looming deadlines.  Isn’t the deadline the ultimate inspiration?! Normally I bring way too much to do, then feel discouraged if everything isn’t complete at the end of the retreat. Among the four items there are definite priorities.  I will try to work on the most important first, but sometimes I get distracted.  Focus, focus, focus.

I am currently enrolled in two on line classes, speaking of easily distracted, one learning to do creative  lettering and the other about working with Twinkling H2O watercolors.  Both are great classes but I think I am once again a bit over committed.  I’m doing what I can to keep up but not stressing if I fall a bit behind. That’s new for me.

Well, I’m off...Happy Creating.