January 14, 2014


It doesn't matter that I'm late!

Normally if I set a goal for myself but then do not reach it, the negative self talk begins, but not now.  When I set the goal to finish a quilt every month in 2013, it really was rather lofty.  I did have doubts whether I could do it or not!  Sometimes I was ahead of the goal, sometimes I fell behind, but I stuck with it and finished, albeit two weeks late.  Above is number twelve for 2013, titled, “ Hawk’s Habitat,”  in honor of the pair of Red-Tailed hawks that have been nesting in the eucalyptus trees across the street from our home for over 10 years.  Recently the pair was spotted in the nest which is a good sign they will return once again in 2014.  Every year we watch and hope for their return as we have a lot of changes in our neighborhood, including lots of new construction.  The hawks seem to persevere. We have watched about 14 young hawks fledge.  Keep your fingers crossed for another good year!